Election Day 2012

Friday, March 11, 2011

Monday March 7th, 2011

Work continues on the first monday of the month.

A small order of emergency feeding supplies was ordered and then put away in our feeding containers in our staff room. Items included hot cups, paper plates and some cutlery.

We used our 2 meter amateur radio to check into the monthly radio drill with other local EOCs.

A new automatic drain was finally installed in our compressor. We have had issues with the compressor the past few weeks. We tried to rebuild the one on the tank but was not successful.

A new faucet was installed the previous week on our large sink in the garage. This week the sink was bolted into the wall for safety.

All wires for body mounted electrical outlets on bucket truck were pulled into position through mounted flexible metal conduit. And a sign tube all purpose socket was installed on the passenger side of the truck. This will allow us to use multiple lights,signs, and masts on the truck.
Our 1500 watt flood light attached to the Bucket Truck. Each side of the cab will have the box tubing and a 120 volt plug and a 220 volt plug.

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