Election Day 2012

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monday August 30th 2010

The summer of hot days and nights continue in New England, this monday night was no different. Work continues on the new generators. 2 guests joined the meeting tonight, and talk of Hurricane Earl was buzzing around the EOC.

Do to the setup of the generator, the hot exhaust needs to be vented out the bottom of the truck. Traut and Director Polimer have designed a exhaust and intake ports and the first cut was made tonight. The generator will then be lifted slightly off the bed and cool air will be taken up.

The hole was cut using our plasma cutter. This cutter uses electrical current and compressed air to cut any metal. The bed of the truck was a heavy diamond plate with years of oil residue and a non slip paint coating. Metal baffles will direct the hot exhaust from the machine under the truck.

Pictured left to right:Traut, Polimer, Simpson

2 guests stopped by the Sharon CD garage this night. First guest was the Communications Officer for the Town of Foxboro, Richard Wright. Richard, a Sharon native, is a special police officer for Foxboro, and has designed and implemented the communications systems for the town. Our other guest was Captain Brian Simpson of the Sharon Fire Department. Captain Simpson is a long time Sharon resident and been with the department over 25 years. He is in charge of the maintenance of all Sharon Fire Department apparatus. Brian is also a member of the State of Massachusetts Haz Mat team.

This is the latest info from the National Hurricane Center as of this posting. Director Polimer has been in contact with all town departments, and Civil Defense is ready for this potential storm.

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