Election Day 2012

Friday, August 27, 2010

Join Us!

Sharon Civil Defense is always looking for new members. Stop by any monday night at 7 PM behind the Sharon Police Station to our Headquaters. We would love to show you around and you can see for yourself what CD does.

Our members have very diverse backgrounds: electricial engineers, professional trainers, healthcare professionals, heavy machine operators, handy men, facilities managers, turfgrass managers, etc.

We would love any ham radio operators to join us, we are of need for a communications officer for our new Emergency Operations Communications Center. We currently have 3 ham radio operators, and are in need of more.

This is a map of our HQ.
View Larger Map

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday August 23, 2010

A cool and rainy night was the setting for this weeks meeting. With many projects going on at CD HQ, this was another busy night for the members.

Our weekly sit down meeting with Director Polimer talking about the weeks happenings starts our meetings at 7pm. The discussion this week was generator issues at Town Hall and the Fire Department,and the delivery of our new diesel and gas generators.

Pictured-Director Polimer, Deputy's Zlotin and Corman, Master Fabricator Traut

Grant monies from Sharon Board of Health and the Federal Gov't purchased privacy screens for shelters and/or dispensing operations. These screens were delivered, one was assembled and then were all put in our shelter/dispensing storage container. Medical Liaison Vogenberg and Operations Officer Ferrara assemble and store the new screens.

With the new generators delivered, work has begun on making the Utility Truck accept the new generator. New mountings must be fabricated, exhausts and intakes holes must be cut and fuel and power lines must get attached. The generators were put on our small chain hoist and looked over thoroughly by the members.

Fabricators Triolo and Traut look over the new diesel generator to be placed on the Bucket Truck. Vogenberg lifting the machine with the small chain hoist.

A small project was started this week, Operations Officer Polimer was tasked with attaching new reflective decals to all small generators on all CD vehicles and gas cans. These decals say the approved fuel for each tool or can, either a gas/oil mix or straight gas. Each CD vehicle has a 1000 watt, 2 cycle generator with a 500 watt light attached. This portable, light weight generator can be used instantly with the correct gas mixture can on board the vehicle.

Other tools to have decals in the future are the many chainsaws in our rescue cabinet, a Honda 2000i generator and can on our LEPC trailer, and other small generators.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday August 16th 2010

A muggy monday night in Sharon,MA. CD members gathered in the office for the weekly round table. Items discussed was a after action report on our training on Sunday, generators that are on order, and other minor things.

With 2 new generators on order, CD members needed to remove the old generator out of the Utility and prep it for the new generator. This was started with the removal of the wiring and generator from the truck.

Traut, Polimer, Zlotin, Triolo removing bolts and wires and gas line from the generator.

Director Polimer and Master Fabricator Traut using our roof mounted winch to remove the generator from the truck bed.

Deputy Zlotin, Traut and Polimer slowly lowering the generator to the ground.

Out with the Old!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sharon Triathalon 2010 Deployment

CD members were deployed on Sunday August 15th at 0700 for traffic control support. CD was asked by the Sharon Police Department to help with road blocks to protect the athletes participating in the triathalon.

Participating members were Operations Officers Polimer and Ferrara, Plans and Training Officer Levine, Deputy Zlotin and Director Polimer.

Operations Officers used a personal vehicle to set up road blocks and informational signs. Deputy Zlotin and Officer Levine used the Bucket Truck and deployed a portable LED sign at a critical intersection for the bycicle portion of the race. Director Polimer used the Utility Truck, our first response vehicle at another intersection.

Director Polimer was the communications officer for the event, communicating with the Police liasion, Sgt. Brewer. Operations were secured at 1100 hrs.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sharon's Citizen of the Year 2010

On Wednesday night, our own Director Michael Polimer was awarded the Citizen of the Year award for the Town of Sharon. Director Polimer has been invloved with Sharon Civil Defense since the late 1960s, became Deputy Director in mid 1980s and then Director after the passing of former Director Rosenberg in 2002.

Mike is the head groundskeeper for the Sharon Youth Baseball and Softball Association. He took the reins in the fall of 1996 when fields in Sharon were renovated and the need for a groundskeeper was needed to keep the fields in top shape.

Selectman Joe Roach intruducing Director Polimer.

L-R,Recreation Director McGowan,Selectman Roach,Director Polimer,Jane Polimer(Director's Wife),Operations Officer Polimer, Jen Bothwell(Off.Polimer's Fiance)

L-R,Sharon's Police Chief's Wife, Chief Bernstein, Civil Defense's late Director Rosenberg's daughter, and Director Polimer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday August 9th 2010

A slow, hot summer night at Sharon EOC. With vacationing members and the hot summer sun, this monday was a slow yet productive night.

Last thursday Sharon CD participated in a exercise during the Square Jam 2010 event in Sharon Square. Pictures and an explanation in the next post.

During the night, hoses were configured for our expanding pump inventory. Hoses were made up with cam locks to provide easy, yet stable connections to the pumps. Fabricator Triolo and Operations Officer Polimer worked on the hoses.

The LEPC trailer used in the Square Jam Exercise was put back into service, removing equipment, and securing other equipment after the use. A new trailer lock was added for security during a deployment. Vogenberg, Levine and Director Polimer worked on the trailer.

A discussion ensued about a communications issue that occurred over the weekend with the Sharon Police Department. Director Polimer handled the situation and plans were discussed on monday night about further training with CD members and Police Department personnel on troubleshooting communication failures. Deputy Zlotin and Trainer Levine were tasked with making easy to use plans and training.

Good news about capital expenditures for 2009. The new generators for the Utility Truck and Bucket Truck have been ordered and we are ready to receive them. This will be a large project for the fall and winter for CD members.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday August 3, 2010

A nice summer night at Sharon's Emergency Headquarters. Again CD members were busy with many ongoing projects. Director Polimer worked on more hose configurations for our new pumps. Vogenberg and Levine programmed new messages to our LED sign boards. Traut looked at possible battery issues on the Bucket Truck. Triolo fabricated a new door stop for the LEPC trailer. And Sharon EOC participated in the state's Hurricane Radio drill.

L-R:Levine, Zlotin, Triolo,Traut, Polimer.

CD Members will be on a training mission this thursday for the annual Square Jam. This event uses the downtown area of Sharon, with music, food and fun. CD members will be on hand for safety lighting for the community, lighting for the roadway, and emergency support. Also we will be deploying our LEPC trailer. This trailer is a mobile emergency operations center. Anything needed during a major event in town is available in the trailer. We plan on setting up the trailer to show the town our capabilities. See later posts for a detailed look at our trailer.

During Square Jam we will also use our LED sign boards with portable power boxes. These could be used for many uses during an emergency. See Levine and Vogenberg programming the signs. The signs are programmed via a laptop computer and have a flash memory.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vehicles from the Past:

Military Truck: This vehicle was purchased by Sharon CD in late 1970s and put into service in late 1981. The truck was equipped with extremely low gearing, 4 wheel drive and a winch. It was taken out of service in 2002. Director Polimer is driving.
Fire Truck 3: This fire truck was formerly Sharon's Engine 1. It was equipped with a 15 kw generator that is now on our Squad 1. It was a very difficult vehicle to drive and was taken out of service in the late 1990s. It was replaced with our Squad 1. Late Master Fabricator Walter Bjornson is driving.

CD Archives-Circa 1984

Click on this article from the Patriot Ledger, November 1984, describing CD moving from Sharon Town Hall to our current building.