A slow, hot summer night at Sharon EOC. With vacationing members and the hot summer sun, this monday was a slow yet productive night.
Last thursday Sharon CD participated in a exercise during the Square Jam 2010 event in Sharon Square. Pictures and an explanation in the next post.
During the night, hoses were configured for our expanding pump inventory. Hoses were made up with cam locks to provide easy, yet stable connections to the pumps. Fabricator Triolo and Operations Officer Polimer worked on the hoses.
The LEPC trailer used in the Square Jam Exercise was put back into service, removing equipment, and securing other equipment after the use. A new trailer lock was added for security during a deployment. Vogenberg, Levine and Director Polimer worked on the trailer.

A discussion ensued about a communications issue that occurred over the weekend with the Sharon Police Department. Director Polimer handled the situation and plans were discussed on monday night about further training with CD members and Police Department personnel on troubleshooting communication failures. Deputy Zlotin and Trainer Levine were tasked with making easy to use plans and training.

Good news about capital expenditures for 2009. The new generators for the Utility Truck and Bucket Truck have been ordered and we are ready to receive them. This will be a large project for the fall and winter for CD members.